
Sacred Garment Marriage Course



What is the secret for peace and harmony in marriage?

Do you ever wonder why your marriage feels like it lacks intimacy, or like life has become routine? Are you at a marriageable age but avoiding the commitment? The demands of modern life from unhealthy narratives such as social media and non-spiritual sources can add pressure to those who are seeking the blessings of Nikah! Realign yourselves with the role of the husband and the wife to ensure that your marriage is stable, united and fulfilling.

Wherever you are seeking a partner, newly weds or entering into your 5, 10th or 15th year as a married couple, ensuring that you have the self-awareness and authentic knowledge to ensure your family is strongly bonded, caring and supportive provides the climate for its members to grow and develop into citizens who are both committed and progressive – giving you the knowledge to be parents who build an atmosphere of encouragement, support and care to help your children grow from strength to strength. Marriage is the institution of society – Success of any society lies upon the strength and well-being of it’s most basic unit, the husband and wife! This course addresses various concerns that all Muslims, preparing to enter the institution of marriage, should familiarise themselves with.